Sex and Porn Addictions

Compulsive sexual behaviors and porn addictions can leave you feeling isolated, ashamed, and hopeless. But you are not alone, and there is always hope for recovery. Our professional therapists will listen to your struggles with compassion and understanding, never judgment. We will help you understand the root cause of your addiction and provide new skills and strategies to achieve lasting freedom. Please note that sex and porn addiction therapy is private pay only and cannot be billed to insurance.

Sex and Porn Addiction Therapy Focused on Finding Freedom

The Signs of Compulsive Sexual Behavior

We create individualized treatment plans designed to help you overcome your specific challenges and find freedom. We often start by helping you to understand your addiction, come to terms with it, and address your feelings of shame and guilt. Then we can start developing practical strategies such as healthy thought patterns, accountability contracts, and progress charts. We will also equip you with the skills to maintain long-term freedom and rebuild damaged relationships.

Our Approach to Sex and Porn Addiction Therapy

The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity defines compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) as “engaging in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others.” If you have lost control over your sexual behaviors or experienced negative consequences, such as damaged relationships or lowered productivity at work, you may be suffering from a sex addiction. Other signs of CSB include compulsive searching for partners, fixation on an unattainable partner, and compulsive pornographic use or masturbation.

Helping Couples and Wounded Partners

We also provide couples therapy and individual counseling for partners affected by sex or porn addictions. Stabilizing and rebuilding the relationship is an essential aspect of recovery, and we can help both partners navigate this difficult journey to restore trust and intimacy. This process involves a full therapeutic disclosure in which one partner reveals the full extent of their addiction or betrayal to the other. Addressing compulsive sexual behaviors can be deeply painful for both partners, but we are here to help. We will guide you through every step of the healing process so that you can once again experience a joyful and loving relationship.

If you struggle with a compulsive sexual behavior, there is hope. You don’t have to face it alone. Our experienced therapists will show you new strategies for healing, breaking free, and rebuilding your relationships. Contact us today to start living a more fulfilling life.

Freedom Is within Reach

You don’t have to struggle alone. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

We understand that every situation is unique and comes with its own share of complexities.

We offer a wide range of services to help both couples and individuals. Whether you are struggling with trauma, divorce, or addiction, we have the licensed professionals in-house to guide your journey of healing. Our comprehensive range of services allows us to help you with whatever challenge you're facing, whenever you're facing it.

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