Sex & Intimacy Therapy

It is very common for couples and individuals to seek therapy for a variety of sexual issues, including sexual functioning, satisfaction, and related emotional concerns. We understand that discussing these issues can be uncomfortable, and we go to every length to provide sensitive, supportive sex therapy. We promise to provide a safe, confidential environment for you to explore your concerns and work toward your goals. Please note that sex therapy is private pay only and cannot be billed to insurance.

Sex and Intimacy Therapy in a Safe Environment

Our Approach to Sex and Intimacy Therapy

Sex and intimacy therapy can be beneficial for individuals and couples of any age or gender who are struggling with sexual concerns. These issues may include sexual functioning and satisfaction, communication and awareness, needs and desires, and a longing for greater intimacy. We have helped individuals and couples address shame, anxiety, trauma, and performance difficulties. Whatever you are struggling with, we will listen to your concerns and help you find satisfying solutions.

What Can Sex Therapy Help With?

Whether you are seeking therapy alone or with a partner, we always begin by asking about your concerns and outlining goals. We then provide education and information regarding activities and techniques. We often prescribe additional reading, communication practices, and behavioral exercises for you to work on at home, either individually or with your partner.

Achieve a Healthier Sex Life

You deserve a fulfilling, satisfying sex life. Our licensed sex therapists will help you achieve that by exploring your concerns in a supportive, educational environment. Sex therapy is “talk therapy” and never involves physical contact. Reach out today to schedule a consultation.

You don’t have to struggle alone. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

We understand that every situation is unique and comes with its own share of complexities.

We offer a wide range of services to help both couples and individuals. Whether you are struggling with trauma, divorce, or addiction, we have the licensed professionals in-house to guide your journey of healing. Our comprehensive range of services allows us to help you with whatever challenge you're facing, whenever you're facing it.

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