Therapy & Counseling FAQs

Considering therapy, but not sure if it’s right for you? We’ve provided answers to the most common questions surrounding therapy and counseling so that you can make a confident, informed decision. Don’t see your question on this list? Contact us today to discuss your concerns. We are happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy

  • What is therapy/counseling?

    Mental health therapy, also called psychotherapy, is treatment aimed at helping you overcome specific mental or emotional challenges to live a happier, healthier life. Counseling usually occurs as a structured conversation between you and your therapist, although science-backed methods such as EMDR may also be employed. Your therapist will help you identify the causes of your challenges and work with you to alleviate the symptoms. Therapy is commonly used to address anxiety, depression, stress, addiction, trauma, and relationship issues.

  • How can therapy/counseling help me?

    Therapy can help you navigate your thoughts and emotions and better understand yourself. Therapy is also useful for changing harmful habits and building healthy ones, whether in the context of a relationship or individual life. Your therapist will help you address the current problems you are facing and provide new skills to live a more fulfilling life.

  • How much does therapy/counseling cost?

    Most of our services are billable to insurance, but Sex Therapy, Sex and Porn Addiction Therapy, and Discernment Counseling are private pay only. View our Rates and Insurance page for a full overview of private pay rates and insurance coverage.

  • What is a typical therapy session like?

    Your therapy session will look different depending on the type of counseling, your goals, and if you’re there alone or with a partner. But generally, your therapist will ask you how you are feeling, what’s troubling you, and what you hope to achieve through therapy. Then you will work together to understand and find solutions to your challenges.

  • How long will therapy take?

    The frequency and duration of therapy depends on your needs and goals. Some issues may take only a few weeks to resolve. Other clients may benefit from long-term therapy to more fully explore their past and build healthy habits or relationships in the present. Your therapist will discuss a timeframe with you during your intake session.

  • Is therapy confidential?

    Yes. Your therapist will keep any information you share with them confidential. Exceptions will be made if you express intent to harm yourself or others. Some information may be shared with insurance companies or other providers if necessary for your treatment, of which you will be informed.

  • Can therapy help with anxiety and depression?

    Yes. We help many patients overcome anxiety, depression, and stress through our Individual Therapy services. Your therapist will help you identify the causes of your struggles and find solutions, including changing your behaviors and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

  • Can counseling save my marriage?

    We offer several forms of Couples’ Counseling for different relationship situations, including Sex and Intimacy Therapy and Affair Repair. While there is no guarantee that your relationship will last, we are committed to helping you heal and strengthen your marriage, if that is your goal. For couples considering divorce, we offer Discernment Counseling to help you determine the healthiest path forward for both of you.

  • What is teletherapy?

    Teletherapy refers to therapy or counseling that takes place remotely or virtually. We offer secure, end-to-end video calling so that our clients can connect with their therapists even when they can’t make it into our offices. Some clients prefer to meet only via teletherapy, while others simply enjoy having the option on busier days.

  • Is teletherapy effective?

    Yes, teletherapy is most often just as effective as in-person therapy. In fact, some clients prefer speaking with their therapists from the familiarity of their own home. But while most counseling situations are perfectly appropriate for teletherapy, your therapist reserves the right to halt online therapy if they determine that in-person sessions would be more effective for you.

Questions? Let us know

Please contact us with any additional questions or concerns. We would love to discuss your situation and determine if therapy at Minnesota Counseling & Couples Center is right for you.

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